Part 18
Whitney easily has the cutest gym ever. IT's funny nobody ever notices it.
No I mean literally her Gym is cute. Nobody ever notices it though.Hazo posted:
But doesn't her Miltank effectively consume its own lactations in order to regain health during battle?

I should go out and train more. :I

Abra #063
Height: 2'11" Weight: 43 lbs.
Habitat: Urban Types: Psychic
Abra needs to sleep for eighteen hours a day. If it doesn't, this Pokémon loses its ability to use telekinetic powers. However, it uses a variety of extrasensory powers even while asleep. Using its ability to read minds, it will sense impending danger and teleport to safety. Observation revealed that it teleports to a different location once every hour. When it decides to teleport, it creates the illusion that it has copied itself.

Drowzee #096
Height: 3'03" Weight: 71.4 lbs.
Habitat: Grasslands Types: Psychic
Drowzee is said to be a descendant of the legendary creature, Baku, the eater of dreams. Drowzee puts enemies to sleep, then eats their dreams. If your nose becomes itchy while you are sleeping, it's a sure sign that one of these creatures is standing above your pillow and trying to eat your dream through your nostrils. It rarely eats the dreams of adults because children's are much tastier, though nightmares occasionally make it ill. Drowzee remember every dream they eat; if you sleep by it all the time, it will sometimes show you dreams it has eaten in the past.

Psyduck #054
Height: 2'07" Weight: 43 lbs.
Habitat: Freshwater Types: Water
Psyduck is constantly wracked by a headache. When its headache intensifies, it starts using strange powers. However, it has no recollection of its powers, so it always looks befuddled and bewildered. When Psyduck uses its psychokinetic powers, it generates brain waves that are supposedly only seen in people in deep sleep. This discovery spurred controversy among scholars. It apparently can't form a memory of such an event because it goes into an altered state that is much like deep sleep.
Height: 1'08" Weight: 12 lbs.
Habitat: Grasslands Types: Grass/Poison
It's scientific name is Oddium wanderus. At night, it is said to walk a large distance on its two roots, sowing its seeds. Oddish searches for fertile, nutrient- rich soil, then plants itself before sunrise. The more fertile the soil, the glossier its leaves become. This species manages to grow by absorbing moonlight. During the daytime, it buries itself in the ground, leaving only its leaves exposed to avoid detection by its enemies. However, if you try to yank it out the ground, it shrieks horribly. While it is planted, this Pokémon's feet are thought to change shape and become similar to the roots of trees.

Poisonpowder kinda screws with my whole "Put them to sleep then slice their arms off strategy."

A couple Slam's later...

Yeah I don't wanna join this gym anymore. Not if it's full of big whiney CRYBABIES.

Three badges!

Yes I know there is a temporal anachronism paradoxy thing. With the order. Don't question it. Just go with it.